Cancer Surgery
At SSM Health Cancer Care every patient’s personalized cancer treatment plan includes therapies selected by their team of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists and other specialists.
Your physician may recommend surgery for a variety of reasons, including diagnosing, removing and relieving the symptoms of various types of cancer. Surgery may be the only treatment necessary or just one part of a broader treatment plan that may include chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
SSM Health Cancer Care surgeons are board certified in the field. They provide important procedures and surgeries in the fight against cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer and surgery is recommended, they will discuss your options and suggest the best course of treatment.
Cancer surgery remains a leading option for removing cancer from the body. Your physician may recommend surgery for a variety of reasons, including diagnosing, removing and relieving the symptoms of various types of cancer. Surgery may be the only treatment necessary or just one part of a broader treatment plan that may include chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
SSM Health surgical oncologists are some of the best in their fields. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, find an SSM Health oncologist near you. If surgery is recommended, they will discuss your options and suggest the best course of treatment.
Common Reasons to Have Cancer Surgery
This surgery process is designed to remove as much of a tumor as possible when complete eradication (due to proximity to vital organs or tissue) is not possible.
Your physician may perform a biopsy to remove all or part of a tumor to determine if a growth is cancerous.
If you are predisposed to certain types of cancers because of genetics, you may choose to have tissues or organs removed as a preventative measure.
Surgery is often the best option for completely removing cancerous growths and surrounding tissue from the body.
Surgical removal of all or part of a tumor, can be tested to determine the progression, or stage, of a cancer.
Common Reasons to Have Cancer Surgery
This surgery process is designed to remove as much of a tumor as possible when complete eradication (due to proximity to vital organs or tissue) is not possible.
Your physician may perform a biopsy to remove all or part of a tumor to determine if a growth is cancerous.
Relieving pain, restoring physical function from a tumor putting pressure on nerves, blocking the bowel, or stopping bleeding are all part of surgical procedures used palliatively. Supportive surgeries such as inserting a feeding tube are also palliative.
If you are predisposed to certain types of cancers because of genetics, or have pre-cancerous polyps or growths, you may choose to have tissues or organs removed as a preventative measure.
Following surgery to remove a tumor, or a preventive surgery, patients may choose to restore the body’s appearance. Reconstructive surgery may be done at the time the tumor is removed. Or it may be performed after the patient has healed or received additional treatment.
Surgical removal of all or part of a tumor, can be tested to determine the progression, or stage, of a cancer.
When a cancerous tumor is localized to a specific area of the body, curative or primary surgery is performed to remove cancerous growths and surrounding tissue known as the margin. Tumor removal may also be done with larger incisions through skin, muscle and even bone.
Types of Cancer Surgery
In addition to traditional applications of cancer surgery, SSM Health surgical oncologists practice some of the newest treatment options available. These include:
During this process, physicians rely on real-time images– provided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography (CT) – to guide them during an operation.
Instead of a large incision, a surgeon is able to make a series of tiny cuts, inserting a laparoscope. This tool contains a small camera and surgical tools for easier diagnosis, staging, and/or treatment and symptom relief.
High-intensity light is used to shrink or destroy cancer cells.
This procedure allows our surgical oncologists to carefully remove the cancer in layers, from sensitive areas of the skin, such as near the eye.
Types of Cancer Surgery
In addition to traditional applications of cancer surgery, SSM Health surgical oncologists’ practice some of the newest treatment options available. These include:
The physician uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and kill abnormal cells.
Using a tool called an endoscope, the physician inserts a tiny tube and camera through the mouth, vagina or rectum to view the throat, ear, colon, etc. Using additional tools samples may be taken or polyps removed completely. The procedure can be both diagnostic and a treatment.
During this process, physicians rely on real-time images, provided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography (CT), and contrast agents to guide them during surgery.
Instead of a large incision, a surgeon is able to make a series of tiny cuts, inserting a laparoscope. Like an endoscope, this tool contains a small camera and surgical tools for easier diagnosis, staging, and/or treatment and symptom relief. In certain situations when laparoscopic surgery is not possible, the surgeon may need to perform traditional surgery that may include a larger incision.
High-intensity light is used to shrink or destroy cancer cells.
This microsurgical procedure allows our surgical oncologists to carefully remove the cancer in layers, from sensitive areas of the skin, such as near the eye.
If you’re facing surgery as a treatment for your cancer, consider getting a second opinion from an SSM Health surgical oncologist. They will take the time to explain the types of surgery available to you, so you can move forward with confidence.
The SSM Health Cancer Care team understands that every cancer journey is different. By combining state-of-the-art treatments with compassionate care, you can be assured that you’re getting the best possible care for your type and stage of cancer. Make an appointment today to learn more.
If you’re facing surgery as a treatment for your cancer, consider getting a second opinion from an SSM Health surgical oncologist. They will take the time to explain the types of surgery available to you, so you can move forward with confidence.
The SSM Health Cancer Care team understands that every cancer journey is different. By combining state-of-the-art treatments with compassionate care, you can be assured that you’re getting the best possible care for your type and stage of cancer. Make an appointment today to learn more.
It’s important to understand that every diagnosis is unique. The SSM Health Cancer Care team combines state-of-the-art treatment with compassionate and highly skilled care.
If you’re facing surgery as a treatment for your cancer, consider getting a second opinion from an SSM Health surgical oncologist. They will take the time to explain the types of surgery available to you, so you can move forward with confidence.