Fetal Heart Monitoring Courses
Participants of this any of the Fetal Heart Monitoring Courses will gain advanced knowledge and skills in managing complex maternal-fetal case scenarios.
Course Level Offerings
The SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - St. Louis Perinatal Outreach Fundamentals of Fetal Monitoring Course is designed for nurses with minimal experience in fetal monitoring (one year or less).
The SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - St. Louis Perinatal Outreach Advanced Fetal Monitoring Course is designed for nurses who have developed a professional practice that utilizes fetal monitoring interpretation skills. Participants are expected to already posses basic knowledge and related skills involved in fetal heart monitoring interpretation.
The Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring Course is not an introductory fetal monitoring course. It is designed for perinatal clinicians with a minimum of six months clinical experience using fetal heart assessment and monitoring technology in an intrapartum setting. | View the AWHONN Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring Course Information
The Advanced Fetal Heart Monitoring Course is designed for registered nurses who have successfully completed the Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring Course, a comparable fetal heart monitoring workshop and/or are certified in fetal heart monitoring. Residents, physicians, LPNs and LVNs may also take the course. | View the AWHONN Advanced Fetal Heart Monitoring Course Information
Registration, Program Fees & Payment Information
How to Register
Call: 314-577-5317
Email: SSM-PerinatalOutreach@ssmhealth.com
Program Fees
- A $25 fee will be applied for the Fundamentals, Advanced, and Comprehensive EFM Review courses.
- A $110 fee will be applied for the AWHONN Advanced Fetal Monitoring course.
- A $135 fee will be applied for the AWHONN Intermediate Fetal Monitoring course.
Please note: the AWHONN Advanced Fetal Monitoring Course require additional fees and advance registration. See the AWHONN course brochures and registration forms for more information.
Please note:Illinois programs are partially funded by a grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Where to Submit Payment
To mail payment prior to the course, send a check made payable to: SSM Health Perinatal Outreach
Please include a note with you name and the date of the course you wish to attend and mail it to:
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
ATTENTION: Perinatal Outreach
1465 South Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63104
Contact Us
Darla Mansker, BSN, RNC-EFM
Perinatal Outreach Educator | SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital
Rebecca Williams, MSN Ed, RNC-OB, C-EFM, C-ONQS
Perinatal Outreach Education | SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital
Accrediting Information
In support of patient care, SSM Health is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. Please see our course brochures for the number of available contact hours.