Graduate Medical Education Committee

The SSM Health/Saint Louis University School of Medicine Residency Program Graduate Medical Education Committee functions as the oversight committee for the School of Medicine's residency, subspecialty and fellowship programs.


The Graduate Medical Education Committee consists of at least 14 voting members selected from the faculty of the clinical departments.

At least one voting member from the faculty or affiliated clinical sites must be a patient safety or quality improvement officer.

The departments of internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, neurology, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery each have one standing member appointed to the committee for a three-year term.

At least four residents (elected by their peers) serve one-year terms.

Selected School of Medicine and affiliated teaching hospital administrators are invited to serve as ex-officio members.

  • The programs of emergency medicine, orthopedic surgery, anesthesiology, surgical specialties, internal medicine specialties, pediatrics specialties and radiology all have one standing member on the committee standing tow-year terms.
  • Otolaryngology and ophthalmology have one standing member on the committee alternating two-year terms
  • Dermatology and pathology have one standing member on the committee alternating two-year terms

Newly appointed clinical departmental chairs serve on the committee during their initial year to become familiar with its function.

2023-2024 GMEC House Staff Members

Three-Year Term

Gregory Ward, M.D.OB/GYN7/21 - 6/24
Jafar Kafaie, M.D.Neurology7/21 - 6/24
Elizabeth Keegan-Garrett, M.D.Family & Community Medicine7/21 - 6/24
Michael Williams, M.D.Surgery7/22 - 6/25
Kayla Heller, M.D.Pediatrics7/22 - 6/25
Catalina Belean, M.D.Psychiatry7/22 - 6/25
Fred Buckhold, M.D.Internal Medicine7/22 - 6/25

Two-Year Term

Kene Chukwuanu, M.D.Emergency Medicine7/22 - 6/24
Liz Cohen, M.D.Anesthesiology7/22 - 6/24
Nisha Mangalat, M.D.Pediatrics7/22 - 6/24
Alejandro Mendez-Castillo, M.D.Radiology7/22 - 6/24
David Greenberg, M.D.Orthopaedic Surgery7/22 - 6/24
Jo-Ann Jose, M.D.Internal Medicine7/22 - 6/24
Yomi AgbebiInternal Medicine7/23 - 6/25
Michael Bernstein, M.D., Ph.D.Surgery7/21 - 6/24
Emily Reisenbichler, M.D.Pathology7/22 - 6/24

One-Year Term

Nicole Burkemper, M.D.Dermatology7/23 - 6/24
Niraj Chavan, M.D.OB/GYN7/23 - 6/24
Ghazala Hayat, M.D.Neurology7/23 - 6/24
Natalie Malvik, M.D., M.P.HPathology7/23 - 6/24
Jamil Neme, M.D.Family and Community Medicine7/23 - 6/24
Justin Purdy, M.D.Internal Medicine7/23 - 6/24
Kanayo Tatsumi, M.D.Pathology7/23 - 6/24

Ex Officio

Gabriela Espinoza, M.D.Assistant Dean, Graduate Medical Education
Barbara Whitman, Ph.D.Assistant Dean, Graduate Medical Education
Patricia McKelvy, M.D.ACOS, Research and Education
Jessica Warren, BSN, RNPatient Safety and Quality Coordinator
Ranaa Ponstingl, M.D.Vice President, Medical Affairs, St. Mary's
Chad Miller, M.D.Associate Dean, UME SLU
Andy WalkupRegional General Counsel
Chief Medical Officer, SLUH
Nichole Herzog, MBAManager - Medical Staff Services/GME, SLUH
Tara Ernst, Ph.D.Education Specialist, Sr., GME
Alexander KehmData Coordinator, GME
Missi White-Lust, BA, EMIBInstitutional Coordinator/Business Manager, GME
Rosie WilliamsHousestaff Coordinator, GME

Resident Members (One-Year Term): By SSLURA Nomination

Megan MonohanOB/GYN7/23-6/24
Jason LinPlastic Surgery7/23-6/24
Arjun SharmaInternal Medicine7/23-6/24
Pranav Yayavaram SomasekharInternal Medicine7/23-6/24
Pradeep YarraGastroenterology7/23-6/24
Marissa HirschPsychiatry7/23-6/24
Cedar SlovacekPlastic Surgery7/23-6/24
Sana HabibAllergy and Immunology7/23-6/24

Past GMEC House Staff Members

  • Scott Calder, M.D.
  • Kayla Donnawell, M.D.
  • Samkon Gado, M.D.
  • Christine Henderson, M.D.
  • Sohail Nibras, M.D.
  • Margaret Rozier, M.D.
  • Irshad Shakir, M.D.
  • Zarir Ahmed, D.O.
  • Mina Boutrous, M.D.
  • Fernand Bteich, M.D.
  • Jennifer Keller, M.D.
  • Aaron Miller, M.D.
  • Michael Prim, M.D.
  • Bryan Beck, M.D.
  • Mina Boutrous, M.D.
  • Fernand Bteich, M.D.
  • Jennifer Keller, M.D.
  • Ashley Boerrigter, M.D.
  • Iris Chang, M.D.
  • Amanie Salem, M.D.
  • Bryan Beck, M.D.
  • Caitlin Francoisse, M.D.
  • Jim Gallogly, M.D.
  • Amy Gallop Weagely, M.D.
  • Tikku George, M.D.
  • Nabiha Quadri, M.D.
  • Amith Reddy, M.D.
  • Kate Alemann, M.D.
  • Connor Clarkston, M.D.
  • Caitlin Francoisse, M.D.
  • Vatche Melkonian, D.O.
  • Meghan Monohan, M.D.
  • Nabiha Quadri, M.D.
  • Hiren Patel, M.D.
  • Jay Shah, D.O.
  • Megan Monohan, M.D.
  • Nabiha Quadri, M.D.
  • Vatche Melkonian, D.O.
  • Marissa Hirsch, M.D.
  • Jacob Grodsky, M.D.
  • Mohammad Khasawneh, M.D.
  • Stacy Mathews, M.D.

Purpose of the Graduate Medical Education Committee

  • Establishment of institutional policies for graduate medical education as detailed in the institutional requirements.
  • Establishment and maintenance of appropriate liaison with residency directors and with the administrators of other institutions participating in programs sponsored by the institution.
  • Regular review (mid-cycle and pre-RRC site visit) of all residency training programs regarding their compliance with institutional policies and the requirements of the relevant ACGME review committee.
  • Establishment and implementation of policies and procedures for the selection, evaluation, promotion and dismissal of residents.
  • Establishment and implementation of institutional policies and procedures for discipline and adjudicating complaints and grievances relevant to the graduate medical programs. These policies and procedures must satisfy the requirements for fairness and due process; they must apply equally to all residents, faculty and residency programs in the sponsoring and participating institutions. The GMEC must assume an educational environment where residents may raise and resolve issues without fear, intimidation or retaliation.
  • Assurance of appropriate and equitable funding for resident positions, including benefits and support services.
  • Establishment and implementation of policies that affect all residency programs regarding the quality of education and the work environment for residents in each program, including monitoring duty hours and other work-environment features as concerns are brought to the committee.
  • Regular curriculum review for ethical, socioeconomic, medical and legal, and cost-containment issues affecting graduate medical education and medical practices.
  • Regular review of the curriculum for communication skills, research design, statistics, and the critical review of literature, as well as resident participation in departmental scholarly activity.

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