SSM Health in Southern Illinois
SSM Health in Illinois serves approximately 230,000 people in a nine-county area. As one of the largest health care organizations in Southern Illinois, SSM Health in Illinois includes two regional hospitals located in Mount Vernon and Centralia, more than 120 active physicians, eight family health centers and several specialty programs. SSM Health in Illinois operates in partnership with the Felician Sisters.
SSM Health Locations in Illinois
The expertise of SSM Health is available to you and your family throughout Southern Illinois. We are committed to working together to coordinate your care.
Construction Updates & Master Facility Plan
for SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - Centralia

Our exceptional employees and modern technology help us provide an extraordinary experience for our patients. Now, we are making the outside match the exceptional service provided inside. In an effort to make the look of our facility match the exceptional care we provide, SSM Health is investing over $20 million dollars into interior and exterior upgrades.
SSM Health Illinois Affiliate Health Network
SSM Health Illinois works closely with hospitals in communities across Southern Illinois to keep as much care close to home. For patients, this means easier access to SSM Health specialists without the worry of time and expense of travel to larger cities.
Recognize a Nurse or Staff Member
Recognize an extraordinary SSM Health nurse or non-nursing staff member who goes above and beyond their normal duties by nominating them for the DAISY Award or BEE Award today.
- BEE Award - nominate a non-nursing medical staff member
- DAISY Award - nominate a nurse