About Your Medicare Wellness Visit
Staying healthy as you age is no accident. Together with your SSM Health provider, you can develop a personalized plan to help you get the most out of life.
When you join the ranks of Medicare, your plan pays for most medical care, including wellness visits that keep you happy and healthy. One of the most important steps you can take is having a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. If you are new to Medicare, you may be eligible for your Welcome to Medicare Visit.
Get Your Free Road Map to Senior Health
This guide includes everything you need to know about your complimentary Medicare visits. Use this guide as an introduction to the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit that you may be eligible for as a Medicare Part B recipient. The guide includes:
- What a wellness visit is
- What happens during your visit
- What you should bring to your visit
- What you can do to help prevent illness
- Plus, tips for healthy lifestyle choices, recipes and more!
What is an Annual Wellness Visit?
A Welcome to Medicare Visit is available to you within your first year of enrollment in Medicare Part B. During this visit, you may also receive a vision test or EKG if recommended by your provider.
Your Annual Wellness Visit is intended to get you up-to-date on basic screenings, immunizations and preventive services. After your first year enrolled in Medicare, this preventive visit is provided free every 12 months with Traditional Medicare and free once every calendar year with Medicare Advantage plans. You and your doctor will develop a personalized plan, based on your current health and risk factors, to manage your health and prevent disease.
What Happens During Your Visit?
Unlike a comprehensive physical exam, your Annual Wellness Visit includes screenings and vaccines, and possible referrals for additional tests or services, if needed. Your visit with an SSM Health provider may include the following:
- Measure your height, weight, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI)
- Review your medical, surgical, social history (such as alcohol, tobacco and drug use) and family history
- Review your current prescribed and over-the-counter medications
- Perform a basic depression and cognitive screening test
- Complete a health risk and safety assessment
- Discuss advanced care planning
- Plan a list of recommended preventive screenings and services you may need in the coming years
- Discuss referrals for appropriate services or programs to help minimize or treat potential health risks
Keep in mind that some of these services may be performed by an advance practice provider, registered nurse, or medical assistant.
Our Commitment to Senior Health
SSM Health has an established reputation for excellence in medical care for seniors. In your free Road Map to Senior Health, you'll discover the advantages SSM Health can offer you, including high patient satisfaction and a team approach to your care. Take the first step and download your guide today. Then call your SSM Health primary care provider to schedule your Medicare wellness visit.

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