Movement Disorders
Movement disorders are neurological conditions that affect the ability to produce and control body movement. While often difficult to diagnose accurately, our specialists at SSM Health Neurosciences will work with you to perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause of your symptoms. Through this collaborative approach, we will create an individualized treatment plan that most effectively meets your needs.
Types of Movement Disorders
Movement disorders affect millions of people in the United States. The disorders we most commonly see and treat include:
- Essential tremor: nervous system disorder that causes uncontrollable shaking
- Parkinson’s disease: central nervous system disorder affecting movement, often accompanied by tremors
- Dystonia: persistent muscle contractions, causing abnormal, repetitive movements
- Ataxia: loss of full control of body movements
- Huntington’s disease: inherited condition that causes degenerative effects of nerve cells in the brain; usually leads to movement, thinking and psychiatric disorders
- Multiple system atrophy: nervous system disorder that affects multiple parts of the body, causing progressive loss of function
- Progressive supranuclear palsy: condition affecting walking, balance and eye movements
- Restless legs syndrome: unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation in the legs followed by a constant urge to move them
- Tourette syndrome: condition involving repetitive movements or unwanted sounds
If you’ve been diagnosed with a movement disorder, or are concerned you may have one, find an SSM Health provider to discuss your concerns as soon as possible. Because many of these conditions worsen over time, early treatment can help reduce disability.
Treating Movement Disorders
In many cases, movement disorders cannot be cured, and the goal of treatment is to minimize symptoms and improve quality of life. Some are severe and progressive, impairing your ability to move and speak. While treatment for movement disorders will depend on the underlying cause of your condition, options your doctor may suggest include:
- Drug therapies to control your symptoms
- Physical or occupational therapy to help maintain or restore your ability to control your movements
- Botulinum toxin injections to help prevent muscle contractions
- Deep brain stimulation, a surgical treatment option that uses an implant to stimulate the areas of your brain that controls movement
Because no two movement disorders are the same, our specialized teams will develop an individualized treatment plan for you. Our thorough, compassionate care will help you find relief and comfort during the uncertainty of your treatment. Make an appointment today with an SSM Health Neurosciences specialist to learn how our multi-specialty approach will help you manage your condition today and in the future.