Prayers & Reflections
Every day at SSM Health, we proudly continue the healing legacy of our founding sisters by delivering exceptional health care services that reveal God’s healing presence to those we work with and serve.
In keeping with our Catholic heritage, and as a reminder to be present in all we do, we begin our gatherings with a prayer or reflection. In support of this tradition, we are pleased to bring you this book, which contains a variety of prayers and reflections appropriate for personal reflection as well as team huddles, meetings and events. We hope these pages will encourage and inspire you in your daily work. May you know that you are exactly where you are meant to be, carrying out the extraordinary ministry to which God has called you.
As you look for just the right prayer or reflection, consider the following:
- Determine the prayer/reflection needs of the occasion. Keep in mind that some occasions may call for just a brief prayer or reflection, while other situations may be better suited for a longer prayer service. Decide if the prayer or reflection is sufficient or if scripture or reflection questions should be included.
- Always allow for and invite quiet prayerfulness. Prayers and reflections should not be rushed and should have a quality of silence around them.
- Guide participants. Remember to guide the prayer or reflection session. For example, tell participants if you want to pause for a moment of silence or if you would like them to offer their thoughts after the prayer or reflection.
- Respect all faith traditions. While we are a Catholic health system, our Mission and Values call us to be inclusive and respectful of people from all religions and faith traditions. As you select a prayer or reflection, please be mindful of the diversity of those you’re meeting with.
Blessings, Meetings & Reflections
In The Beginning - A Christmas Reflection
Ash Wednesday Service
Observing Lent
Ordinary Times
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Clare of Assis Feastday Prayer
Saint Patrick's Prayer
Life Events
Mission, Values & Vision
Congregation of St. Agnes
Contemporary Litany of Saint Agnes
Felician Sisters
In The Words of Blessed Mary Angela
Franciscan Sisters of Mary
Our History & Calling Reflection
Prayer for Presence
Prayer Service Inspired by Franciscan Sisters of Mary Heritage