Program Benefits
Yearly Salary
Competitive stipends are maintained at levels equal to that of other residency programs in the Greater St. Louis area, as well as other podiatric residences throughout the Midwest.
Vacation Time
Residents receive 21 calendar days paid vacation each academic year. This will include any requests for sick days, vacation days, holidays, interviews and the like. Vacation days cannot be transferred from one year of training to the next.
Annual Educational Allowance
Residents are eligible for educational expense distributed at the discretion of the director, not to exceed $1,500.00 per resident, per academic year (July-June). Educational expenses shall include, but are not limited to continuing medical education, books, software, and surgical instruments. Educational leave time and allowance cannot be transferred from one year of training to the next.
Health Insurance
Medical and dental insurance, including prescription benefits, are available to residents and their families. Life insurance and disability insurance are also available to residents and go into effect 30 days after the first date of employment.
Professional Liability Insurance
Residents are covered by the hospital's professional liability insurance. This includes coverage as outlined within the scope of their podiatric residency program.
Additional Benefits
The hospital also provides continental breakfasts, hot lunches and pagers to all residents.