Prospective Suppliers
Thank you for your interest in working with SSM Health and supporting our Mission to reveal the healing presence of God through our exceptional health care services. On this page you can find additional information on what it means to partner with us on our Mission.
Register to Become a Prospective Supplier
In support of SSM Health's efforts to establish good working relationships with prospective suppliers, all suppliers and service providers seeking new business opportunities are asked to complete the prospective supplier registration.
Completing prospective supplier registration will:
- Provide an updated record for your company in our supplier database
- If you are a Diverse Supplier, provide an updated record of your company's certification status
- Support our efforts to identify viable potential suppliers
- Expedite the review of your company's products/services and capabilities

Supporting the Mission & Vision of SSM Health
At SSM Health we actively seek suppliers that share our commitment to diversity, environmental sustainability and are focused on reducing the cost of delivering health care. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and collaborating with suppliers to drive out unnecessary variation, reduce cost, and positively impact our patients and caregivers.
Here’s what you can expect when working with SSM Health:
Integrity and Respect: Inspired by our founding religious sisters, we value the sacredness and dignity of each person. This is reflected in the way we engage and treat our supplier relationships. This same level of respect carries over into maintaining our contractual obligations, ensuring commitments are meet, and that those products or services that are not on contract with SSM Health are not utilized at our facilities.
Transparent and Equitable Processes: SSM Health engages end-users to make product and service selections, as a system, based on attributes as opposed to preference. Our sourcing and contracting processes are standardized to ensure consistent and equitable review of suppliers and their product or service offerings.
Inspiration: SSM Health’s Vision is that through our participation in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, communities, especially those that are economically, physically and socially marginalized, will experience improved health in mind, body, spirit and environment within the financial limits of the system. Our goal is to lower the cost of providing care to expand our financial limits and engage with suppliers who can support this vision.