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SSM Health Medical Group

Grant Roberts, PA

Orthopedic Surgery

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1110 N Lee Ave

Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73103

13401 N Western Avenue

Ste 301

Oklahoma City, OK 73114


Driven by a desire to build strong relationships with patients and their families, Grant Roberts, PA-C brings almost two decades of experience to SSM Health Bone & Joint | OSOI, a premier orthopedic practice serving patients throughout Oklahoma. He primarily treats hip and knee joint replacement patients, helping prepare them for surgery and guide them through recovery.

Roberts earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Oklahoma, where he also went on to complete his physician assistant education. When not caring for patients, he can be found cheering on the Oklahoma City Thunder and the University of Oklahoma Sooners or spending time with his nieces and nephew.


Oklahoma University Health Science Center

Hospital Affiliations:

St. Anthony Hospital - Oklahoma City
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